
How does it work?

  • nuuma genetics 1.

    Get in touch with us or your doctor.

  • nuuma genetics 2.

    We carry out genetic counselling and get your informed consent for the test.

  • nuuma genetics 3.

    Blood is drawn at one of our centers.

  • nuuma genetics 4.

    Our team will contact you or your doctor to discuss the results.

Who is it for?

When is it recommended?

nuuma genetics

This test is designed to minimize the risk of having a child with this type of disease and follows the criteria defined by the main scientific societies, namely, the Spanish Fertility Society, European Society of Human Genetics, American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, National Society of Genetic Counselors, Perinatal Quality Foundation, and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.

This test is for:

  • Couples who want to be parents.
  • Recipients of donor gametes.

We can use this test to minimize the risk of patients having children affected by any of these diseases.

Secure Match studies the genes that cause the most serious recessive diseases and that have the highest frequency of known carriers and with childhood onset. There are two gene screening panels:

  • Basic PanelThis screens 15 recessive disease genes and 23 X-linked inheritance genes in the case of female patients. This test provides us with a good basis to maximize patient health in terms of morbidity.
  • Expanded PanelThis screening study is focused on couples who want to have as much genetic information available as possible before having children. In this case, the test analyses 552 genes, of which 91 are linked to the X chromosome.
nuuma genetics

Secure Match


Secure Match


The results of Secure Match testing will reveal whether the patient carries any genetic variants related to one of the studied diseases.

If both members of the couple are carriers of a pathogenic variant in the same gene, a preconception study to avoid the risk of transmitting the disease they both carry can be considered.