
How does it work?

  • nuuma genetics 1.

    Get in touch with us or your doctor.

  • nuuma genetics 2.

    We carry out genetic counselling and get your informed consent for the test.

  • nuuma genetics 3.

    Blood is drawn at one of our centers.

  • nuuma genetics 4.

    Our team will contact you or your doctor to discuss the results

Who is it for?

When is it recommended?

nuuma genetics
  • In cases of patients with repeated pulmonary thromboembolisms or in those aged under 35 years and no known risk factors.
  • In patients aged under 35 years with peripheral vascular disease and no known risk factors.
  • Prior to major surgery, pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives, or oestrogen therapy if there is a personal or family risk of thrombosis.
  • In individuals with a family history of thrombosis or gene mutations indicating repeated superficial phlebitis.
  • When there are obstetric complications including pre-eclampsia, recurrent miscarriage, intrauterine growth retardation, and placental abruption.

Studying thrombophilia allows prophylactic measures to be taken in women with alterations in the studied genes.

This can improve their implantation rate and decrease the abortion rate resulting from thrombotic effects

nuuma genetics

