The collection of personal data

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of Law 15/1999 of December 13 governing the Protection of Personal Data, we hereby inform you that by voluntarily providing your personal data through any form on this website, or email message, and accepting its delivery, you expressly authorize to process it or incorporate it into a file that it owns.

The collection and processing of personal data you provide is intended to contact you to respond to your request. Also, may process the data to send commercial and/or advertising information, by various means, including electronic, about the company, its products and services.

The data provided by you in the fields marked with * are mandatory in order to fulfill the purposes stated. Otherwise, will not be able to accept and manage the relationship established.

You guarantee that the data provided are true, accurate, complete and updated, standing responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, that may arise as a result of a breach of this obligation. In the event that the data provided belongs to a third party, you guarantee that you have informed the third party of the aspects contained in this Policy and obtained their authorization to provide their data to for the purposes indicated. is committed to fulfilling its obligation as regards the secrecy of personal data and its duty to protect it and take all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data, and avoid its alteration, loss, or unauthorized access to it, in accordance with the state of technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risks to which it is exposed, all in accordance with the provisions of Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007.


Data access, objection, rectification and cancellation rights

You have the right to access the information concerning you, rectify it, if it is incorrect; cancel it, or object to its processing, by sending an e-mail to or a written communication addressed to:

Avda. de Dénia, 76, 03016 – Alicante


Newsletter and similar communications uses, for these purposes, both data obtained through this website as well as other databases and publicly accessible sources, always taking into consideration the requirements of current legislation.